- Python version:
Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
- Source:
- Issues:
Please fill a report on github
- Platform:
This is currently only available for Linux distribution with zsh/fish/bash shells (contributions are welcome to port the tool on other platforms/shells)

Damona is a singularity environment manager.
Damona started as a small collections of singularity recipes to help installing third-party tools for Sequana NGS pipelines.
Damona is now used in production to create reproducible environments where singularity images and their associated binaries are installed altogether.
In a nutshell, Damona combines the logic of Conda environments with the reproducibility of singularity containers. We believe that it could be useful for other projects and therefore decided to release it as an independent tool.
As of Aug. 2024, Damona contains 87 containers (136 versions), which corresponds to 468 unique binaries.
As of Oct. 2024, Damona contains 104 containers (155 versions), which corresponds to 514 unique binaries.
As of Jan. 2024, Damona contains 117 containers (169 versions), which corresponds to 575 unique binaries.
Since Damona relies on apptainer (a.k.a. singularity), you must install Apptainer to make use of Damona. This is the egg and chicken paradox. To get reproducible container with apptainer, at some point you need to install it. That the first of the two software that you will need to install. Instructions are on singularity web site.
If you are familiar with conda, I believe you can do:
conda install apptainer
I personally use the version available on my Fedora/Linux platform. Then install Damona using pip for Python:
pip install damona
The first time, you use Damona, you need to type:
This will initiate the tool with a config file in your HOME/.config/damona directory.
Depending on your shell, you will be instructed to source a shell script. To make it persistent, you will need to update an environment file. For instance, under bash shell, add these lines in your .bashrc:
if [ ! -f "~/.config/damona/damona.sh" ] ; then
source ~/.config/damona/damona.sh
Fish shell users should add the following code in their ~/.config/fish/config.fish file:
source ~/.config/damona/damona.fish
Zsh users should add the following code in their ~/.config/fish/config.fish file:
source ~/.config/damona/damona.zsh
Then, open a new shell and type damona again. You should see an help message:

Quick Start¶
Damona needs environments to work with. First, let us create one, which is called TEST:
damona create TEST
Second, we need to activate it. Subsequent insallation will happen in this environment unless you open a new shell, or deactivate this environment:
damona activate TEST
From there, we can install some binaries/images:
damona install fastqc:0.11.9
That's it. Time to test. Type fastqc. This should open a graphical interface.
To rename this TEST environment, you may use:
damona rename TEST --new-name prod
or delete it:
damona delete prod
See more examples hereafter or in the user guide on https://damona.readthedocs.io
As stated on their website, Conda is an open source package management system and environment management system. Conda provides pre-compiled releases of software; they can be installed in different local environments that do not interfer with your system. This has great advantages for developers. For example, you can install a pre-compiled libraries in a minute instead of trying to compile it yourself including all dependencies. Different communities have emerged using this framework. One of them is Bioconda, which is dedicated to bioinformatics.
Another great tool that emerged in the last years is Singularity. Singularity containers can be used to package entire scientific workflows, software and libraries, and even data. It is a simple file that can be shared between environments and guarantee exectution and reproducibility.
Originally, Conda provided pre-compiled version of a software. Nowadays, it also provides a docker and a singularity image of the tool. On the other side, Singularity can include an entire conda environment. As you can see everything is there to build reproducible tools and environment.
Now, what about a software in development that depends on third-party packages ? You would create a conda environment and starts installing the required packages. Quickly, you will install another package that will break your environment due to unresolved conlicts; this is not common but it happens. In the worst case scenario, the environment is broken. In facilities where users depends on you, it can be quite stresful and time-consuming to maintain several such environments. This is why we have moved little by little to a very light conda environment where known-to-cause-problem packages have been shipped into singularity containers. This means we have to create aliases to those singularities. The singularities can be simple executable containers or full environment containers with many executables inside. In both cases, one need to manage those containers for different users, pipelines, versions etc. This started to be cumbersome to have containers in different places and update script that generate the aliases to those executables.
That's where damona started: we wanted to combine the conda-like environment framework to manage our singularity containers more easily.
Although Damona was started with the Sequana projet, Damona may be useful for others developers who wish to have a quick and easy solution for their users when they need to install third-party libraries.
Before showing real-case examples, let us install the software itself and understand the details.
The Damona standalone is called damona. It has a documentation that should suffice for most users.
The main documentation is obtained using:
damona --help
where you will see the list of Damona commands (may be different with time):
activate Activate a damona environment.
clean Remove orphan images and binaries from all environments.
create Create a new environment
deactivate Deactivate the current Damona environment.
delete Remove an environment
env List all environemnts with some stats.
export Create a bundle of a given environment.
info Print information about a given environment.
install Download and install an image and its binaries.
list List all packages that can be installed
remove Remove binaries or image from an environment.
rename Rename an existing environment
search Search for a container or binary.
stats Get information about Damona images and binaries
To get help for the install command, type:
damona install --help
1. list available environments¶
By default you have an environment called base. Unlike the base environment found in conda, it is not essential and may be altered. However, it cannot be removed or created. You can check the list of environments using:
damona env
2. create environments¶
All environments are stored in ~/.config/damona/envs/. You can create a new one as follows:
damona create TEST
There, you have a bin directory where binaries are going to be installed.
You can check that it has been created:
damona env
Note the last line telling you that:
Your current env is 'TEST'.
3. activate and deactivate environments¶
In order to install new binaries or software package, you must activate an environment. You may activate several but the last one is the active one. Let us activate the TEST environment:
damona activate TEST
Check that it is active using:
damona env
and look at the last line. It should look like:
Your current env is 'TEST'.
What is going on when you activate an environment called TEST ? Simple: we append the directory ~/.config/damona/envs/TEST/bin to your PATH where binaries are searched for. This directory is removed when you use the deactivate command.
damona deactivate TEST
damona env
should remove the TEST environment from your PATH. You may activate several and deactivate them. In such case, the environments behave as a Last In First Out principle:
damona activate base
damona activate TEST
damona deactivate
Removes the last activated environments. While this set of commands is more specific:
damona activate base
damona activate TEST
damona deactivate base
and keep the TEST environment only in your PATH.
4. install a software¶
Let us now consider that the TEST environment is active.
Damona provides software that may have several releases. Each software/release comes with binaries that will be installed together with the underlying singularity image.:
damona install fastqc:0.11.9
Here, the singularity image corresponding to the release 0.11.9 of the fastqc software is downloaded. Then, binaries registered in this release are installed (here the fastqc binary only).
All images are stored in ~/.config/damona/images and are shared between environments.
5. Get info about installed images and binaries¶
You can get the binaries installed in an environment (and the images used by them) using the info command:
damona info TEST
6. Search the registry¶
You can search for a binary using:
damona search PATTERN
External registry can be set-up. For instance, a damona registry is accessible as follows (for demonstration):
damona search fastqc --url damona
Where damona is an alias defined in the .config/damona/damona.cfg that is set to https://biomics.pasteur.fr/drylab/damona/registry.txt
You may retrieve images from a website where a registry exists (see the developer guide to create a registry yourself).
7. combine two different environments¶
In damona, you can have sereral environments in parallel and later activate the one you wish to use. Let us create a new one:
damone create test1
and check that you now have one more environment:
damona env
We want to create an alias to the previously downloaded image of fastqc tool but in the test1 environment. First we activate the newly create environment:
damona activate test1
then, we install the container:
damona install fastqc:0.11.9
This will not download the image again. It will just create a binary in the ~/.config/damona/envs/test1/bin directory.
you can combine this new environment with the base one:
damona activate base
If you are interested to know more, please see the User Guide and Developer guide here below.
Maintaining Sequana would not have been possible without users and contributors. Each contribution has been an encouragement to pursue this project. Thanks to all:
From version 0.10 onwards, we will not mention the new software and their versions but only changes made to the code itself.
Version |
Description |
0.14.5 |
0.14.4 |
0.14.3 |
0.14.2 |
0.14.1 |
0.14 |
0.13 |
0.12.3 |
0.12.2 |
0.12.1 |
0.12.0 |
0.11.1 |
0.11.0 |
0.10.1 |
0.10.0 |
0.9.1 |
0.9.0 |
0.8.4 |
0.8.3 |
0.8.2 |
0.8.1 |
0.8.0 |
0.7.1 |
0.7.0 |
0.6.0 |
0.5.3 |
0.5.2 |
0.5.1 |
0.5.0 |
0.4.3 |
0.4.2 |
0.4.1 |
0.4.0 |
0.3.X |
0.3.0 |
0.2.3 |
0.2.2 |
0.2.1 |
fixed manifest |
0.2.0 |
first working version of damona to pull image locally with binaries |
0.1.1 |
small update to fix RTD, travis, coveralls |
0.1 |
first release to test feasibility of the project |
User guide and reference¶
- 1. User Guide
- 2. Developer guide
- 2.1. Introduction
- 2.2. All images will be posted on Zenodo if Singularity recipe is in Damona
- 2.3. tree structure
- 2.4. Naming convention
- 2.5. building
- 2.6. Singularity recipes
- 2.7. Singularity recipes from micromamba
- 2.8. registry
- 2.9. Where are stored the containers ?
- 2.10. Build an image locally
- 2.11. Upload image on sylabs (DEPRECATED)
- 2.12. What about reusing a docker image
- 3. References
- 4. FAQs